Technology Helps Canadian Aerospace Firm Cruise to Success
Originally published on the site Link to original article.
Originally published on the site Link to original article.
Originally published on the site Articlesbase. Link to original article.
Originally published on the site TAG44. Link to original article.
It is vital in food operations whether complying with HACCP (Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points) or ISO 22000 standards, that Operations Managers are able to view plant performance data in real-time, anywhere, anytime. The ability to select data functions to display must be possible whether viewed on any PC on the company LAN/WAN, or via the Web. Tracking production in real-time to ensure goals are met and to minimize Work-in-Process are essential to optimize food safety and production.
Original article published online by International Food Safety & Quality Network. Link to original article.
As published in Canadian Metalworking magazine, March 2010.
There is a technological shift going on out on the shop floor that is allowing machines to communicate directly with corporate information systems, generating big benefits for companies by increasing their operational efficiency. Applications are available that provide real-time machine monitoring, acquisition of Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) metrics, dynamic computer-aided machining, automatic synchronization of part programs, DNC, work order
scheduling, and central control of machine operations.
Why Make the Leap?
The Internet has changed how the world gets its information: it’s all about easy access. Manufacturing machines that communicate via serial ports run the risk of being not connected to the information highway and consequently being an unproductive asset. If these machines could be refurbished with advanced communications technology, a company could avoid spending millions on new machines. Furthermore, extracting operational information from all its machines, both new and old, would permit a company to optimize its manufacturing processes. Companies that have moved to the Ethernet report a significant improvement in efficiency and cost savings.
MEMEX, with its visionary attitude, has been on the leading-edge of the convergence of the industry trends in Computing Power, Connectivity of Machines, Industry Standards, Advanced Software Technology, and Manufacturing Domain Expertise. MEMEX is the developer of MERLIN, an award winning IIoT technology platform that delivers tangible increases in manufacturing productivity in real-time.
Memex Inc.
3425 Harvester Rd, Unit 200,
Burlington, ON L7N 3M7
905-635-1540 (Main Line)
866-573-3895 (Toll Free)